Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Friends 'til the End

Picking Friends cont.

I've always told the boys that the most important trait you can look for in a friend is loyalty. There are many levels of friendships. We tend to throw the term "Friend" out fairly casually. It can mean anything from a person, not related by blood but as close as a sibling, to a casual acquaintence. How many times have you heard "a friend of a friend" or "a friend, well, sort of....this guy I know"?

Friends are the people that are going to stick by you through thick and thin. They like you for who you are. They have your back. Always. I feel that I treat all my friends like that. Something else that I would guess that I inherited from my Dad. If I tell a friend that I am going to do something, then I do it. If a friend asks for a favor, if I can grant it, I do. I think Demi gets annoyed with me occassionally because it is sometimes inconvenient when I keep my promises. Family comes first. But I treat my friends like they are family.

I tell my boys that some "friends" will come and go. Life happens. People travel on their own paths trying to find that balance in life. But I also tell them that because I treat my friends like family, it's ok, if I don't see them or talk to them everyday. When I do connect with a friend I haven't seen in a long time, I tend to pick up where we left off. I enjoy the time we do have.

Friendship is something you treasure. You want to make sure the folks you choose to call friends value you in the same way. Caz and Coco, here's a test: A friend will help you move...maybe even more than once.

One of my frienships started like this:

"What are you doing this weekend?"

"I have to move my stuff out of storage and into my apartment."

"Well, I have a van."

"Well, I have some beer......"

It wasn't quite Casablanca, but you get the drift.

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