Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Big Brother Is Watching

"You did not desert me, my brother in arms"

Caz was very excited to be a big brother, when we were expecting Coco. He actually coined the moniker for his little brother. No rhyme or reason for it. The new baby was going to be named Coco. End of story.

When Coco arrived, big brother was very curious. Caz immediately held the new baby. He talked to his little brother. He hugged his little brother, smiling the whole time. That lasted a cozy 15 minutes. I kid. We had a year or so of peace. I think things started on the down turn, right around the time Coco became mobile. Coincidence? I think not. Coco was able to get into Caz's schtuff.

So we reinforce the big brother responsibilities to Caz. I was one, so I would like to think I can relate and do a better job than most. I try not to do the things that irked me, when my parents laid that role on me. Don't get me wrong, they did a good job. I still feel responsible for my little brother. But we always think we can do things better than others, don't we?

It's still all about balance and patience. It's a long process. I won't see the results until many years from now. So I keep at. I explain the importance of being the older brother and how looking out for Coco, may actually benefit Caz down the road. You have to explain it at the right level and answer all their questions. Caz is a bright kid and asks some pretty good questions. But you answer what they can understand. You don't always harp on the subject. You have to feel it out.

But as I alluded to in a recent post, you can see dividends now. When Caz went after Coco at baseball camp when Coco looked lost, that was a prime example. So I don't worry as much with the boys away this week visiting Demi's sister and her family. I know Caz will look after some extent....though he'll probably still dump a bucket of water on Coco's head.....

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