Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cooties Part Deux

Well, it has bee a long time since my second post where I first addressed the Cootie phenomenon. And in a strange coincidence, I was thinking about that post the other day. Well, last night the kids brought up Cooties. In the course of a family discussion, the fact surface that Coco had worn Caz's winter jacket over to a friend's house to play that after noon. Caz declared, "Ewwww! Gross! Now my jacket has Cooties." My natural curiosity kicked in at that point. "So what is a Cootie?"
Caz replied, "I don't know."
"What do they look like?"
"You can't see them. They are microscopic. Like germs."
"How do you get Cooties?"
To this I got a shrug.
"So what do you know about Cooties?"
Caz paused. I could see the wheels turning. After some internal pondering he calmly replied, "Well, there are boy Cootie and girl Cooties. You can't see them. And.....they are gross."
So really, not much has changed except for the gender based Cooties. I guess that means all is as it should be.

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