Monday, January 14, 2008

Snow Daze

"'Scuse me, while I kiss the sky!" It seems kids are always praying to the Snow Gods for a snow day, while parents do just the opposite. Most anyway. I remember being a kid, and hoping for that unexpected day off. We would go sledding, have snowball fights, or play snow football. We would be outside all day, until we were soaking wet. And then we'd come in for hot chocolate with marshmallows or Fluff. It would be a perfect day. But then a few months later, we would be sitting inside in June, pining to be outside. No matter how much I tell the kids they would rather be out of school early in June, that have a snow day, it's like talking to the wall. They don't care. They would rather have the snow day. That is kid logic at it's best.

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