Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Happy 2009. One of my New Year's resolutions is to be better about posting to my blog. I have a few back postings to complete for December but I needed to get this one out there now. This week will be my first official meeting as a DYF Board Member. Yep. You got it. I went and got myself elected to the Board. If you have followed previous posts,you know that 2008 was a tough season for me. Admittedly, I was emotionally invested in Caz's team, having coached them the two previous seasons. And Caz was one of the players not getting a lot of playing time. So throughout my 2008, I tried to remain as objective as possible. I feel that I was successful at it but I need to publish my disclaimers for you to be the judge. Demi and I put a lot of effort into DYF through coaching, team mom role, fund raising, and volunteering. But I felt that in order to fix the things I saw needed fixing within the organization, that I needed to put up or shut up. Had I done all that I could do? I attended Board meetings and participated in discussion. But as a Board member, I could have more a say in the direction of the program. My parents had done the same for me and my brother. Could I do less? The situation is not as bad or one sided as it may seem. One tends to report on the hot topics and not dwell as much on the things that go right. It was really a successful season overall. But there were some growing pains with the new team divisions.There are always growing pains. And I felt I needed to act to help resolve them.

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