Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Celebration Continues

It's been quite the week. The milestone birthday is being celebrated like Mardi Gras, not limited to one day and at least once a day there is cake and a party. I am not sure what I did to deserve it but hey, I will take it. The boys have really gotten into it. They have been on their best behavior. It could be the "Santa's watching you" effect (at least for Coco), but who knows?
The adult party is tonight. I am very much looking forward to have a few drinks with friends, getting my swerve on, and dancing up a storm. The band is a local cover band with a college alum in the mix. Coco will be staying with our cousins. Caz is choosing to spend the night in a unique manner - The Great Freeze Out. It's a scout overnight in the town forest. And oh yeah, the last few nights have seem temperatures around 11 degrees. It is supposed to warm up to the low 20's tonight, so it should be tropical. I have to say, I am worried a bit. I put my foot down with Caz. "You dress exactly how I tell you to, or you don't go." This was not a time for negotiation. And it was actually pretty nice this afternoon, especially when the sun was out. But when I go to drop him off there will be about an hour of daylight left. It seems insane to drop off my son to spend the night outdoors in the Town Forest with a handful of adults. But in the end, you have to start letting go a bit and trust that you have done a fair job at parenting thus far.

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