Saturday, February 9, 2013

Nemo Memories

I think the boys will have a lot of memories of this storm.  It will be like their Blizzard of '78.  I remember the days out of school, the playing in the snow banks, the sleeping by the fire, cooking on a camp stove, and taking a really cold shower.  A lot of kids from the area reminisce about that storm.
     Caz spent the night over at a neighbors.  3 teenage boys, at least one teenage sister, and two younger sisters/friends, all hunkered down to ride out the storm.  Monopoly by candle light.  Eating all the ice cream because it was softening up with the power out.  Sleeping on the couch by the fireplace, fighting for a spot close to the fire to stay warm.  Dad making his own way through the woods to come get him because the street was blocked by a massive pine tree that had come down across the road.
     Coco picked board games to play.  We made hot cocoa.  He helped bring in wood to keep the fire alive.  He got to make his own ice cream sensation with melted chocolate and home made caramel, all by candle light.  Dad packing the food from the freezer in snow and putting it outside where it was 16 degrees.  Fast Phil coming by in his snow shoes the next morning.  Sledding all day.  These are the times you do remember.

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