Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Biting Your Tounge

To me, there are times when it shows more strength to bite your tongue and not say something, than to start a fight - verbal or otherwise.  It could be based on that being my general style.  It was a decision that I was faced with today.
     During Coco's football game, another coach of ours was losing his mind.  The team played awful.  The game frustrated everyone.  Plays were made that had me shaking my head.  I had coached them better than that, hadn't I?  What happened today?  Why today?  Sure, they usually get psyched out by this team.  But all of them tuning out this whole weekend?  What's up with that?
     I am not sure why this coach was anymore frustrated than the rest of us.  We were all unhappy about what was unfolding in front of us.  But it is not acceptable to be dropping F-bombs around or at the kids.  Then he turned on me.  With 90 seconds left in the game.  I had a choice to make then and there.  Do I let it go?  Or do I fire back?  I felt like firing back would escalate the situation, and set a poor example for the boys.  I glared back and stayed silent.  Did I do the right thing?  Did I appear weak?  I don't know for sure.  It felt like the right decision.

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