Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tee Talk

The boys were bored.  It was such a nice afternoon, that they needed to be outside.  I saw the practice pin flag in the yard.  We did not have time to go to the driving range but we did have time for a chipping contest.  We each pulled a golf ball and a wedge from our bag.  Coco ended up heading off early to the Hammer's first birthday part early.
     I took advantage of my one on one time with Caz.  We talked about his girlfriend  We talked about high school.  I was trying to gage if he was nervous or excited.  I tried to impart the usual:  "these 4 years will go fast", "it all counts starting in Sept - grades and extra curricular", "you can do both - have fun and achieve results".  He was very receptive.  He listened.  He participated. I thought it was a really good father/son talk.

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